nog eentje dan....goed, twee, drie...
-JP: "Will new materials greatly change the style of our times?"
M: "No, I don't think so because what I tried to do in architecture is to develop a clear structure. We just are confronted with the material. How to use it in the right way is what you have to find out. It has nothing to do with the shape. What I do,....,we should just call a structural approach. We don't think about the form when we start. We think about the right way to use the materials. Then we accept the result.
Grand ideas, you know, we keep high in the air when we are working. We don't want them to come down. Often we are ourselves surprised what comes out of it. I collect the facts. All the facts as much as I can get. I study these facts and then I act accordingly."
M: "The sociologists tell us we have to think about the human beings who are living in that building. That is a sociological problem, not an architectural one. That always comes up, you know. But that is a sociological question. I think the sociologists should fight that out. That is not an architectural question."
-JP: "And can't be solved architecturally?"
M: "No. It could be solved if they would give us a program. But first they have to prove that their idea is a sound one in the sociological field. They would like to make us responsible for that, you know! No, not with me!"
Kan niet veel duidelijker lijkt me.